The Unofficial Guide to Having a Baby
The Unofficial Guide to Having a Baby
- Paperback: 864 pages
- Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 076454148X
- ISBN-13: 978-0764541483
- Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.3 x 1.9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds
Like a good obstetrician, The Unofficial Guide to Having a Baby respects the intelligence of the mother-to-be. This mammoth tome is probably the best reference book on the market, giving nonjudgmental and fairly exhaustive information on such hot-button topics as whether to drink coffee during pregnancy and the relative safety of birth centers. The book lays out as much information as possible and leaves the decision-making to the parents--a surprisingly rare gambit in the bossy world of pregnancy books, which all too often insult the mom-to-be with sweeping dicta unsupported by hard science. Also like a good doctor, the book knows its limits, referring to other sources well and often. The book's tone can be impersonal, which seems natural considering that it was put together by two authors, a team of editors, and a panel of birth experts including a doctor, a nurse, and a nutritionist. For color commentary, 150 new parents were consulted, but their voices are not the book's strong point, offering such pallid advice as, "A good-quality stroller will see you through all your children, whereas a cheapie will cost you again and again." The book's "Unofficial" moniker seems to refer more to the guide's commitment to laying out all the alternatives than to an irreverent stance. (Those looking for in-the-trenches attitude and tried-and-true advice might turn instead to Vicki Iovine's superb The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy or Ariel Gore's The Hip Mama Survival Guide.) While the book's hesitance to pronounce on emotional topics is largely laudable, in some cases it backfires. In 818 pages, the authors devote just a few paragraphs to single-mother and lesbian pregnancies--though, to be fair, a resource directory is offered. Overall, though, this guide fills a much-needed information gap in the pregnancy book market. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Book Description :
The inside scoop for when you want more than the official line
Having a baby is one of life’s most joyous–and overwhelming–events. The choices you make now will affect your baby’s health long after it is born. How should you change your lifestyle now that you are pregnant? How can you be sure that your baby is developing properly? What should you expect at each doctor’s visit? And how on earth will you survive labor? Now thoroughly updated with more than 200 pages of new and completely revised material, including week-by-week pregnancy tips, The Unofficial GuideTM to Having a Baby gives savvy parents-to-be like you a foolproof appraisal of what works and what doesn’t–revealing things even your doctor won’t (or can’t) tell you, with unbiased recommendations that are not influenced by any company, product, or organization. - Vital Information that other sources can’t or won’t reveal–including the very latest research on prenatal and genetic testing.
- Insider Secrets on how to weather the physical and emotional highs and lows of pregnancy, with tips on health, exercise, sex, and career management.
- Money-Saving Tips that help you save on baby gear and maternity wear.
- The Latest Trends in new childbirth methods, including Doula care, pain management, and alternative birthing options.
- Handy Checklists and Charts to track your baby’s development, identify potentially dangerous medications and drugs, and record the milestones in your pregnancy.
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Complementary Medicine For Dummies
Complementary Medicine For Dummies
- Paperback: 448 pages
- Publisher: For Dummies; 1 edition (September 10, 2007)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0470026251
- ISBN-13: 978-0470026250
- Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.3 x 1 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds
Review : "It has useful information written in an easy-to-read and entertaining style." ( Bella, 25th September 2007) "The book provides a comprehensive guide to pretty much every aspect of complementary medicine from ancient to modern." (Women's Fitness, December 2007)
Book Description : A comprehensive guide to what’s what and what works in complementary medicine, this expert guide cuts through the jargon and gives you the facts about the alternatives. Whether you are interested in maintaining your general well-being or relieving the symptoms of a specific complaint, this book outlines all of the therapies available to you – from acupuncture through healing foods to yoga and massage - and tells you what each treatment is most effective for, how to go about finding a practitioner and what to expect from a consultation. Topics covered in Complementary Medicine For Dummies include: - Old Dogs – New Tricks: From Ancient Roots to Modern Practice
- Turning to the Pros for Your Health Diagnosis
- Reading the Body (Self-Diagnosis)
- Uncovering Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- Revealing Ayurveda’s ‘Science of Life’
- Balancing Health With Tibetan Medicine
- Purifying the Body with Japanese Medicine
- Dipping Your Toes Into Nature Cure
- Getting to the Point of Acupuncture
- Homing in on Homeopathy
- Unearthing Herbal Medicine
- Nibbling on Nutritional Medicine
- Diving into Naturopathy
- Opening Up with Osteopathy
- Getting to the Crunch with Chiropractic
- Moving with Bodywork Therapies
- Enjoying Massage Therapies
- Relaxing with Breathing, Relaxation, and Meditation
- Scenting Out Aromatherapy and Flower and Tree Remedies
- Connecting with Healing Therapies
- Getting Your Head Around Psychological Therapies
- Feeling the Buss of Energy Medicine
- Having a Go with Creative Therapies
- Ten Complementary Medicine Tips for Healthy Living
- Ten Superfoods for Great Health
- Ten Great Herbal Remedies
- Appendix A: A-Z of Therapies
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Get Well at Home: Complete Home Health Care for the Family
Get Well at Home: Complete Home Health Care for the Family
- Paperback: 464 pages
- Publisher: Shiloh Medical Publications
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0964391414
- ISBN-13: 978-0964391413
- Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7 x 1.2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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The Encyclopedia of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The Encyclopedia of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
There are many books on alternative medicine, but not many can be considered quick reference guides. This encyclopedia has 400 entries covering terms, organizations, and personalities related to the field. Entries vary in length from one-sentence definitions to multipage essays. The shorter entries can be frustrating, and some of the longer ones, less than complete. One example is the entry Bates Method for improving eyesight. There is a brief explanation of the relaxation system and of Bates' credentials but no description of the exercises. Some entries on individuals give little or no information about their relevance to the field of alternative or complementary medicine. On the other hand, the Yoga article provides in-depth coverage of the discipline, giving a brief history, the basic principles involved, and descriptions of the 26 branches of yoga. Another article that would have benefited from the same treatment is ayurveda. A description is given, but there are no cross-references to related entries (Chakra, Doshas) that provide additional details. The lack of illustrations is limiting; even line drawings of things like acupuncture pressure points would have added value to the book. The appendixes include a list of professional and lay organizations, a list of herbs used in herbal treatments, and a time line of alternative and complementary medical history. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Encyclopedia eBooks |
Medicine: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review
Medicine: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review
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101 Other Uses Of A Condom
101 Other Uses Of A Condom
101 Other Uses for a Condom is a collection of black and white cartoons all dealing with alternative uses for condoms. The styles vary as the artists who rendered the cartoons are numerous. In fact, the front cover lists 86 contributors down the left side just under the name Glenn Hauman. Hauman is responsible for pulling this collection together. The work is collected from publications such as National Lampoon, Playboy, Cracked, and Heavy Metal. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Tips |
How to Deal with Emotionally Explosive People
How to Deal with Emotionally Explosive People
In his international bestseller, Dinosaur Brains, psychologist Albert J. Bernstein told readers how to deal with difficult people at work. Now, in a groundbreaking new book, Bernstein tackles a more serious problem that profoundly affects the lives of millions of people: walking time bombs. How do you help a friend who explodes into panic attacks? What do you say when a depressed family member bursts into tears? How do you protect yourself when a stranger blows up in your face? Too often, our choices make matters worse. But it isn't our fault. All that we feel, and much of what we hear directs us to defend the fearful, comfort the sad, and talk sense to the angry, regardless of the utter futility of these well-meaning actions. Moment to moment, people with mental disorders stand at the crossroads between getting better and getting worse. For disorders to heal, medicine, psychotherapy, the encouragement of friends, and the kindness of strangers must all point explosive people toward a single direction. - People with anxiety disorders must turn and face their fear rather than running away
- Depressed people cannot wait to feel better to do the things that will make them feel better
- Angry people have to recognize that anger is something they do, not a reaction to what is done to them
Reaching these goals sometimes requires stunning feats of mind over matter. In How to Deal with Emotionally Explosive People, Dr. Bernstein demonstrates, step by step, how to do them. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Another, Tips |
It's All in Your Head: Thinking Your Way to Happiness
It's All in Your Head: Thinking Your Way to Happiness
The premise of "It's All in Your Head" is that we already have everything we need to be happy, because the "secrets"/tools are already in our "minds" - But we have to make a choice to shine a light on them again (remember them), and then get them out of our minds and into reality (use & experience them). Stephen Pollan shares many great insights within the covers of this book - ones that can help us to remember what it takes to be happy - a feeling that many of us strive for day after day. Some of these insights include: 1. We are responsible for our own happiness or unhappiness - so it makes absolutely no sense to blame our unhappiness on others, or expect others to make us happy. 2. Happiness is different from pleasure - external things can bring us pleasure, but never happiness. 3. People who are experiencing great lack & illness can still be happy 4. Happiness is an attitude that can be cultivated - but like most things, it takes work. 5. Taking the time to remember what you're grateful for each day can have an amazing impact on your level of happiness The author suggests 8 "tools" to remember & use while you're working to create an attitude of happiness, and he also includes many different journal exercises to help you out along the way. I really enjoyed his use of personal stories to bring his thoughts/ideas/tools home - I think we can all find ourselves in at least one of these people &/or situations - which I find to be a another great way to solidify what I'm reading & learning. Overall, I found this book to be an enjoyable, insightful, helpful read on the topic of happiness. As such, I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to increase their own level of happiness - it certainly has a lot to offer! Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Another, Tips |
Encyclopedia of Body Adornment
Encyclopedia of Body Adornment
Book Description: All cultures everywhere have attempted to change their body in an attempt to meet their cultural standards of beauty, as well as their religious and or social obligations. In addition, people modify and adorn their bodies as part of the complex process of creating and re-creating their personal and social identities. Body painting has probably been practiced since the Paleolithic as archaeological evidence indicates, and the earliest human evidence of tattooing goes back to the Neolithic with mummies found in Europe, Central Asia, the Andes and the Middle East. Adornments such as jewelry have been found in the earliest human graves and bodies unearthed from five thousand years ago show signs of intentional head shaping. It is clear that adorning and modifying the body is a central human practice. Over 200 entries address the major adornments and modifications, their historical and cross-cultural locations, and the major cultural groups and places in which body modification has been central to social and cultural practices. This encyclopedia also includes background information on the some of the central figures involved in creating and popularizing tattooing, piercing, and other body modifications in the modern world. Finally, the book addresses some of the major theoretical issues surrounding the temporary and permanent modification of the body, the laws and customs regarding the marking of the body, and the social movements that have influenced or embraced body modification, and those which have been affected by it. Entries include, acupuncture, amputation, Auschwitz, P.T. Barnum, the Bible, body dysmorphic disorder, body piercing, branding, breast augmentation and reduction, Betty Broadbent, castration, Christianity, cross dressers, Dances Sacred and Profane, Egypt, female genital mutilation, foot binding, freak shows, genetic engineering, The Great Omi, Greco-Roman world, henna, infibulation, legislation & regulation, lip plates, medical tattooing, Meso-America, military tattoos, National Tattoo Association, nose piercing, obesity, permanent makeup, primitivism, prison tattooing, punk, rites of passage, scalpelling, silicone injections, Stalking Cat, suspensions, tanning, tattoo reality shows, tattooing, Thailand, transgender, tribalism. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Encyclopedia eBooks |
Five Funny Critters - Hypnotic Bedtime Stories for Children
Five Funny Critters - Hypnotic Bedtime Stories for Children Help develop your child's emotional intelligence with five bedtime stories on CD. Your 5 to 7-year-old can learn to deal with life's challenges through these gentle hypnotic tales. Therapist: Dr. John Dyckman 2 CDs $39.00 $19.50 Risk-free because it's 100% guaranteed. The next best thing to reading one-on-one with your child, Five Funny Critters will soothingly help your child learn valuable life skills through the power of story. In today's complex, busy world, it's not easy to find the time and the right words to help your child deal with issues that he or she faces each day. Your child (and maybe you, too) will enjoy: * Celebrating individuality * Dealing with differences * Interacting with others in a healthy way * Overcoming reluctance * Finding a new sense of optimism * Facing fears with confidence * Sleeping naturally * Learning new things Your child will love Five Funny Critters and will be unaware that he or she is learning valuable skills that will serve him or her for years to come. Dr. John Dyckman's engaging style combined with his original music creates a series that is sure to be listened to over and over again. Your child will benefit by learning new age-appropriate skills. And you will benefit because your child is sure to relax and fall asleep!!! Teaching stories are a time-honored way of transmitting wisdom. Dr. Dyckman skillfully presents such stories and combines them with the added therapeutic potential of the trance state. His program gives parents an opportunity to share this experience with their children while at the same time fostering an attitude of relaxation and curiosity. — Michael Reding, M.D. — Board Certified Child Psychiatrist Five Funny Critters A Great Complement to Children's Books These audio hypnotic bedtime stories are a great addition to your current library of children's books. Of course, it's always good to read interactively with your child, and this is not, and never will be, a replacement for that. Yet, as an addition, these stories are sure to be a valuable component to your child's bedtime ritual. Developed by John Dyckman Ph.D., this hypnosis-based program teaches techniques for interacting with life from your child's viewpoint. Your child's unconscious mind will gently learn how to handle the unique situations that a child aged five to seven experiences. Having worked with children and adolescents for nearly 30 years, Dr. Dyckman understands the unique worldviews of children at different stages of their development. John is also an accomplished musician, making his children's stories a pleasure to hear. (Read more about Dr. Dyckman.) When you see how much your child enjoys these stories, you'll regret not having tried these tapes sooner. Once you begin to see the positive effects on your child's behavior, the stressful aspects of parenting might become just a little easier to handle. These stories are designed specifically for children aged five to seven. Program Details Five Funny Critters is a 2-CD program. CD1: (for parents) * Introduction for Parents [2:06] * Introduction to Hypnosis [4:34} * Bonus Track: Relaxation for the Soul [5:03] CD2: (for children) * Introduction for Children * [1:19] The Groundhog Who Was Afraid of His Shadow [8:56] * The Caterpillar Who Didn't Want to Change [10:54] * The Beagle that Didn't Want to Run with the Pack [10:32] * The Fish that Didn't Want to Go to School [10:18] * The Bear Who Couldn't Sleep [9:54] Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Another, Tips |
Sleep Medicine: A Guide To Sleep And Its Disorders
Sleep Medicine: A Guide To Sleep And Its Disorders
- Hardcover: 336 pages
- Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1405123931
- ISBN-13: 978-1405123938
- Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 7.6 x 0.9 inches
Book Description :
On average people spend one third of their life sleeping. An understanding of the physiology and pathophysiological changes that take place during this time is, therefore, essential to the medical care of patients. Sleep disorders can arise from a variety of causes including respiratory, psychiatric and neurological conditions, as well as pain and lifestyle changes. Consequently, their understanding is pertinent to a wide range of clinicians who require an overview of their diagnosis and treatment. Written by one of the UK's leading authorities on sleep medicine, Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and its Disorders presents a practical guide to the clinical problems related to sleep disorders. An experienced author, John Shneerson writes concisely and presents the information in a most accessible way. The text is clearly organised and full use has been made of tables and line diagrams. Whilst the body of the text is clinical in approach, the scientific basis of sleep and sleep medicine and the technical aspects of sleep investigations are explained fully. The book is divided into three sections. The first group of chapters considers the fundamentals of sleep, the effects of drugs on sleep and how to assess sleep complaints. The main body of the book consists of chapters on individual sleep disorders. Each of these has a structured approach, outlining both assessment and treatment. Insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, awareness during sleep and behavioural abnormalities are covered. The final chapters deal with the important respiratory consequences of upper airway dysfunction, changes in the control of breathing during sleep and the social implications of sleep problems. Sleep medicine is a fast developing discipline which interfaces with many of the medical specialties. Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and its Disorders enables doctors and other health professionals to access recent advances ensuring that their patients receive the optimum treatment for their sleep disorders. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Another, Tips |
Weight Training Technique
Weight Training Technique
Author: Stuart McRobertYou can have a great training program, the best equipment, a perfect nutritional plan, an ideal rest and sleep schedule, and the most positive attitude in the world, but it will all be largely if not totally wasted if you do not use good exercise technique. In order of priority, exercise technique comes BEFORE program design. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, have been forced to give up weight training because of pain and injuries caused by using faulty exercise form. But apply what you learn from this book and you will be able to train safely for a lifetime. Though it may seem unbelievable, gyms are usually terrible places for learning about good exercise form. You need to be knowledgeable enough so that you can take full responsibility for your training. hat is where this book comes in. Read – Grasp – Apply – Persist – AC H I E V E ! Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
Beyond Brawn
Beyond Brawn
Author: Stuart McRobertThis book is not just for novices. It can save you years of wasted toil regardless of your level of training experience, It will propel you into the detailed practical know-how needed to turn you into an expertly informed bodybuilder or strength trainee. You can learn all of this from just a few weeks of serious study. Then apply what you learn and you’ll develop a degree of muscle and might that will make a mockery of what you would have achieved had you stayed with other training methods. Free Medical eBooks link : Download
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12 Week Bodyshaping Course
12 Week Bodyshaping Course
Nothing can stop you from achieving your physical goals! Put your heart and desire into your training and nothing can stop you from success. You will improve! It is a scientific fact that the body responds to progressive exercise and correct eating habits, it would be impossible not to improve while following this unique course! Our thousands of satisfied students prove the effectiveness of our famous course. We have yet to see one person who follows this course not gain! Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
Train Smart
Train Smart
Author: Pete SiscoThis program involves a systematic progression of muscular overload that can lead to lifting very heavy weights. This e-book is concise. You probably already know that I co-authored seven books and edited five other bodybuilding nooks for IRONMAN magazine. Those books make a stack of paper about two feet high. But when people ask me what to do in the gym to quickly add some muscle to their bodies, they don’t want to read 1,000 pages. They just want the “core” of y knowledge. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
Gladiator Training Manual
Gladiator Training Manual
This book is a priceless companion for the teenage and high school jock that aims to excel at wrestling and other strength sports. It is written in a no nonsense approach to help the user to reach peak performance. Free Medical eBooks link : Download
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Author: Charles AtlasThe First Lesson contains the priceless discoveries I have made using the principle of DYNAMIC-TENSION to build up your chest muscles incredibly fast! Go over this Lesson carefully and begin the instructions at once. Your Course has been proven by students throughout the world to be one of the greatest methods available to build muscles rapidly and SAFELY. This is the very same method that changed me from a 97-pound weakling and has done the same for millions of other people all over the world. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
NPC Team Universe & Musclemania Champion author of the book believes many of us make the process of bodybuilding far more complicated than it needs to be. This is especially true when it comes to nutrition. I’ve come to this conclusion after answering literally thousands of questions from bodybuilders for more than a decade. Through seminars, appearances, letters, phone consultations, and contact through the Internet, the same questions we’re asked and the same challenges were encountered over and over again. They are answered in this ebook. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
OPTIMUM ANABOLICSAuthor: Jeff Anderson
As you’ll learn, there are SEVERAL elements that MUST be addressed if you’re EVER going to surpass your genetic growth potential. Skip any ONE of these elements and you’ll find yourself on the fast track to frustration. I’ve written this manual in a very “no nonsense” approach in order to avoid wasting any of your time with a bunch of fancy scientific words. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
ANABOLICS 2006 edAuthor: William Llewellyn'sThis is a concise guide to steroids use for the purpose of bodybuilding. Included are dozens of example cycles. The book looks at the history of steroids and their effects and results. Theres a chapter on how to minimize 'bitch tits' and other steroids ill effect. The aim is to guide the bodybuilder on the proper and safe way to utilize steroids. Free Medical eBooks link : Downloadpart1 Downloadpart2 Downloadpart3Labels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
Bodybuilding The Black Book of Training Secrets
Bodybuilding The Black Book of Training Secrets
Product Description : If you want to be bigger, stronger, faster and more powerful, you have found the book to get you there. This is a great book because it was written by a great coach: Christian Thibaudeau. Like all respected and influential coaches, Christian has a strong background in athletic training, but he's not confined by it. He blends his education and his hands-on experiences into a training philosophy that can benefit anyone from elite athletes to weekend warriors to those of us who just want to look great naked. Yes it's true… after months and months of waiting, the first edition of The Black Book of Training Secrets is finally available. I agree that the title may sound a bit much… after all, most coaches (me included) have shouted high and wide that there's no such thing as secret-training methods. I still believe that to be true. However, there are quite a few things that may very well make the difference between wasting your time in the gym year after year and making seemingly unbelievable progress. While these things may not seem revolutionary to those "in the know," they are indeed "secrets" to most trainees and understanding them will make all the difference in the world as far as gains are concerned. At first I wanted to name the book Thibaudeaubuilding. Although cute, I found it to be quite restrictive. Sure this book will give you a lot of info on how to build muscle and a better physique, but you'll also learn how to maximize your strength, power, and speed, not to mention how to evaluate your needs or the needs of your clients. The book is so inclusive and full of various tips and methods that I needed a name that would at least give you an idea of what it contained. Comments: The Black Book of Training Secrets is crammed full of valuable information on a variety of subjects. When I first flipped through the pages glancing over pictures and diagrams I felt a little disappointed. I felt I had in my hands another theoretical strength training book that bombarded the reader with science leaving the reader wondering how to apply any of this to the gym. But, as I dove into the text, I noticed that Thibaudeau was doing something a little different - he was presenting the theory in an easy-to-understand format followed by his personal take on each subject. And, in almost every chapter, a real world application was included to accompany the idea. Chapters 2 through 8 focused primarily on theoretical keys to strength, size, and power. These 65 pages cover time under tension principles, the nervous system's role in training, evaluating the needs of trainees through a variety of tests, training methods, how to incorporate volume based on goals, periodization, aspects of intensity, aspects of frequency, designing workouts based on fiber-types, as well as other topics. If you think that list sounds exhausting, you're right. I found myself reading a page or two then flipping back to the previous chapter to compare other notes. After a couple days of that I had to put the book in the back of my closet to let my brain cool off a bit. Chapters 9 and 10 specifically discussed bodybuilding. Chapter 9 gave tips on how to induce the most hypertrophy while working out. Tips included maximal static contraction, constant maximal tension, stretch movements, the "pump", and heavy lifting. Chapter 10 gives variations of a 4-day per week, one body part per week program designed to efficiently build massive muscle. An added bonus is a bench-press periodization program designed to increase max bench. For the football player or coach, Chapter 11 is devoted solely to training for the football athlete. Presented is Christian's Level 1, Phase 1, High-performance football training program. This chapter gives instruction on how to complete each recommended lift, cone drills, and a comprehensive 12-week guide that specifically outlines the program down to each day of the 12 weeks. I've read books on football training before, Bigger Faster Stronger (BFS) in particular. I'd recommend this chapter over the BFS program for a beginner's football program. Sit down BFS, here comes Thibaudeau. One of the jewels of this book is Chapter 12. Chapter 12 discusses proper form and execution of the Olympic lifts and gives a beginner Olympic lifting program. Thibaudeau gives the common mistakes made while learning the Olympic lifts and measure for correcting them. Anyone who has wanted to start doing Olympic lifts or is starting without the guidance of coach would benefit greatly from this chapter. Chapter 13 is devoted to Short Topics. Topics include pre/post workout nutrition, posing, post-tetanic potentiation, running, and swinging workouts. The tidbits in this chapter, although brief, can open doors to trainees that are usually not uncovered through the conventional gym education. The Black Book of Training Secrets touches on almost every aspect of strength and bodybuilding training that I've had in my 12 years of training. I wish this book had been available 10 years ago. This book doesn't have a specific focus other than training in the global sense. However, a specific focus would have narrowed the usefulness of this didactic journal. Succinctly outlining a vast number of topics without immersing readers in unnecessary theory makes The Black Book accessible to Everyman. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
The Science of Pranayama - Sri Swami Sivananda
The Science of Pranayama - Sri Swami Sivananda
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Kundalini - Sri Swami Sivananda
Kundalini - Sri Swami Sivananda
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Thought Power - Sri Swami Sivananda
Thought Power - Sri Swami Sivananda
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Essence of Yoga - Sri Swami Sivananda
Essence of Yoga - Sri Swami Sivananda
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Hypnotherapy For Dummies
Hypnotherapy For Dummies
Book Description: An easy-to-follow, reassuring and responsible guide that shows how you can use hypnotherapy to identify and overcome unhealthy modes of thinking, deal with emotional issues, improve performance, and banish bad habits. Whether you’re seeking to overcome anxiety or depression, improve your performance professionally or personally, lose weight or beat an addiction, hypnotherapy can help you make the changes you want. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Another, Encyclopedia eBooks, Tips |
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia 3rd Edition
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia 3rd Edition
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia William Andrew Publishing| ISBN: 081551526X | 3500 pages | PDF | 9,6 MB Each entry includes: 1. Theraputic Function 2. Chemical and Common Name 3. Structural Formula 4. Chemical Abstracts Number 5. Trade Name, Manufacturer, Country, and Year Introduced 6. Raw Materials 7. Manufacturing Process In addition, references are also cited to major pharmaceutical works where additional information can be obtained on synthesis and the pharmacology of the individual products. Free Medical eBooks link :
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Whiskey & Spirits For Dummies
Whiskey & Spirits For Dummies
* Publisher: For Dummies * Number Of Pages: 335 * Publication Date: 2007-11-12 * ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0470117699 * ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780470117699 * Binding: Paperback Book Description: Would you like to better appreciate fine distilled spirits? Whiskey & Spirits For Dummies is your complete guide to selecting and enjoying this family of noble beverages, flavor by flavor. From whiskey, rum, and brandy to vodka, gin, and cordials, this handy reference traces the history of distilled spirits, explains how they are made, and shows you how to evaluate, serve, and savor them. Ever wonder why the Irish spell it “whiskey” and the Scottish “whisky”? This friendly book tells you as it reveals where the first whiskeys — or “dark” spirits — originated and how they came to the United States. It also explores the origins of clear spirits and the different varieties of each. You’ll compare American and European vodkas, see how to make the new and improved all-purpose Martini, and follow the spread of flavored rums across the globe. A slew of sidebars give you fascinating tidbits of information about these spirits. You’ll also discover how to: * Become a sophisticated taster * Shop for the best spirits * Select the right mixers * Use spirits in cooking * Make ten classic cocktails * Choose and taste cordials and liqueurs * Know the nutrients in one serving of each type of distilled spirit * Present spirits to guests * Set up tasting events at home This thorough guide also features recipes for cooking with spirits, offering menu choices such as entrees, vegetables, and desserts that all include at least one type of spirit. Complete with an appendix of craft distillers across the United States, Whiskey & Spirits For Dummies will give you the knowledge and hands-on guidance you need to become a connoisseur of such greats as fine Scotch, Bourbon, and Cognac in no time! Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Another |
The Amazing Martial Arts Secrets of Fitness - Ted Gambordella
The Amazing Martial Arts Secrets of Fitness - Ted Gambordella
DR. TED shares the secret fitness routines of the Martial Arts Masters.This book is a must have to help you keep looking good, and feeling great at 20,30, 40 , 50 and beyond. Free Medical eBooks link :
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Foley Is Good: And the Real World Is Faker Than Wrestling
Foley Is Good: And the Real World Is Faker Than Wrestling
Book Description Chapter OneHe's Back.And you won't believe what he has to say this time. Some people might think that World Wrestling Federation Superstar Mick Foley said his piece in his 532-page, number one New York Times bestselling literary opus Have a Nice Day! Well, some people would be wrong. Very wrong. Because Mick Foley is back with a vengeance. Foley Is Good picks up right where the last book left off, as once again readers are given a bird's-eye view of the behind-the-scenes action in the World Wrestling Federation. With the same total honesty and riotous humor displayed in his last book, Mick shines a spotlight into some of the hidden corners of the World Wrestling Federation. From the ongoing controversy surrounding "backyard wrestling" to the real story behind his now-infamous I Quit" match with The Rock, Foley covers all the bases in this hysterically funny roller-coaster ride of a memoir. Some know him as Cactus Jack, others as Dude Love. We loved him as Mankind, and he was the best Commissioner the World Wrestling Federation ever had. But if you want to know the real Mick Foley, if you want to get inside the head of one of sportsentertainment's biggest Superstars, then there's no substitute for Foley Is Good. Readers and fans everywhere need their recommended daily allowance of pure, unadulterated Mick. And it's all right here for the taking. to view the .max file E-books How to view .max files Hi all, If you downloaded any of the ebooks posted here you will find a problem with opening these kind of ebooks and that if you are not familiar with .max files (scanned files), so what I am posting here is a good small software to open these kind of files.. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
The Legends of Wrestling: "Classy" Freddie Blassie
The Legends of Wrestling: "Classy" Freddie Blassie
Book Description "Classy" Freddie Blassie is universally acknowledged as one of the most hated heels in wrestling history. Freddie really knew how to antagonize the fans -- how to "get heat." Death threats were frequent, enraged fans stabbed him twenty-one times, and he was even doused with acid. Undeterred, Blassie just took the action up a level. He reveled in being the heel. It was almost commonplace to see him biting his opponents and then spitting out their blood. Blassie would routinely "file" his teeth during interviews. His matches in Los Angeles' Olympic Auditorium brought him to the attention of Hollywood. Freddie's style and unpredictability made him a natural for the medium and he became one of the biggest draws in the wrestling business. In the early '60s, this notorious heel was invited to wrestle in Japan. Blassie both horrified and mesmerized sedate Japanese society. It was reported that a number of Japanese television viewers suffered fatal heart attacks after seeing Blassie bloody an opponent in the ring. A child of immigrants, Freddie grew up in a working-class neighborhood in south St. Louis. At seventeen, Freddie made his wrestling debut in a carnival. Unhappy with his choice of occupation, his family persuaded him to keep his "real" job, and for a while he worked as a meatcutter. But after serving in the Navy in World War II, Freddie returned to the world of wrestling, which was at the time still something of a carnival sideshow. Here he picked up his catch phrase: "pencil neck geek." Early in his career, Blassie wrestled on cards promoted by Jess McMahon, and would later work for both his son, Vincent James McMahon, and his grandson, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, the current owner of World Wrestling EntertainmentTM. Even after his active days in the ring came to an end, he showed that he still had the power to generate heat: "Classy" Freddie Blassie became the manager of heels, transferring to a whole new generation of wrestlers the style and knowledge that had made him a legend of wrestling. Blassie is still provoking the public, with his autobiography -- Legends of Wrestling: "Classy" Freddie Blassie -- Listen, You Pencil Neck Geeks -- written with Keith Elliot Greenberg. Freddie weaves vibrant tales of his days in wrestling with the likes of Hollywood Hulk Hogan, The Rock, George "The Animal" Steele, Capt. Lou Albano, John Tolos, The Destroyer, Killer Kowalski, Nikolai Volkoff, and the Iron Sheik. He frankly chronicles his dealings with colorful members of the wrestling fraternity and the promoters, even recounting the controversies -- like the infamous "boxer vs. wrestler" match with Muhammad Ali, who was managed by Blassie. His out-of-the-ring stories are equally compelling. Freddie details his countless sexual exploits and his three marriages. He reflects on the cult status that he gained after his song "Pencil Neck Geek" rocketed to the top of the Dr. Demento Show playlist. He recounts his touching relationship with comedian Andy Kaufman, who cast him in Breakfast with Blassie -- an underground classic in which Blassie uttered: "What the hell ever happened to the human race?" About the Author Keith Elliot Greenberg is a third-generation wrestling fan, and senior writer for World Wrestling Entertainment#153; publications. He's also an award-winning television producer, whose credits include working for 48 Hours, MSNBC Investigates, America's Most Wanted, VH-1 and The History Channel. He is the author of more than thirty nonfiction children's books. He and his family live in Brooklyn, New York. to view the .max file E-books How to view .max files Hi all, If you downloaded any of the ebooks posted here you will find a problem with opening these kind of ebooks and that if you are not familiar with .max files (scanned files), so what I am posting here is a good small software to open these kind of files.. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
Missy Hyatt: First Lady of Wrestling
Missy Hyatt: First Lady of Wrestling
From the Publisher First came Missy. Then came Sable, Sunny, Chyna. Missy Hyatt was professional wrestling's first character--the original sexy "socialite" sidekick whose trademark Gucci purse and tough-girl attitude made her the most loved--and the most hated--woman in wrestling. Now, fifteen years after she first shimmied up to the ring, Missy Hyatt takes fans inside the world of wrestling. In this tell-all memoir, Missy discloses the behind-the-scenes secrets of table-throwing, chair-smashing, hair-pulling, and the technique of "juicing"--how wrestlers make themselves bleed on cue. Find out about her relationships with Jake the Snake, Wonder Years' Jason Hervey, Hot Stuff Eddie, and many many more. From the Back Cover "Missy Hyatt is going to burn in hell--and rightfully so!" --Paul E. Dangerously (ECW owner, WWF announcer) "Missy Hyatt is the first lady of wrestling. She knows the business inside out--literally. Now she's telling all. Forget you know me, Missy . . . and enjoy the Witness Protection Program!" --Electra (ECW, HBO's The Sopranos) "Missy and I and Brian Pillman were the best tag team ever . . . under a blanket!" --Tom Z-Man (WCW) "Missy always had more bullshit in her than a Christmas turkey. But come Christmas, I'd still rather have her on the table than the turkey." --Terry Funk (WCW) "Missy was a real bitch to me for the longest time! I think it may have been because she wanted me so bad and knew I was way out of her league. Anyway, as Big Stevie Cool would say, READ THE BOOK! READ THE BOOK!" --Stevie Richards (ECW, WWF) "Missy Hyatt is every school boy's dream, and pro wrestling's Jane Mansfield." --Dusty Rhodes "People credit 'Sunny' for revolutionizing the wrestling business for females. But before Sunny, Missy ruled the wrestling world. When I met my husband, Chris Candido, I tore her poster off his bedroom wall! Years later, after I met her, I realized what a wonderful person she was . . . which made it really hard to hate her. She's an inspiration to me and a role model for all of the hundreds of girls who have tried to follow in her footsteps. To tell the truth, her poster should be hanging on their walls!" --Tammy Sytch (aka Sunny--WWF, ECW) "I've got one word for Missy Hyatt . . . Diva!" --Kimona Wanalaya (aka Leia Meow--ECW, WCW) "I think I'm the only guy in wrestling who didn't sleep with Missy Hyatt." --Kevin Nash (WWF, WCW) to view the .max file E-books How to view .max files Hi all, If you downloaded any of the ebooks posted here you will find a problem with opening these kind of ebooks and that if you are not familiar with .max files (scanned files), so what I am posting here is a good small software to open these kind of files.. Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: Bodybuilding eBooks |
Build Powerful Nerve Force: It Controls Your Life –keep It Healthy
Build Powerful Nerve Force: It Controls Your Life –keep It Healthy
208 pages | Bragg Health Sciences | English | ISBN: 0877900949 | 3699 KB If you are suffering from stress overload, chronic fatigue,insomnia, depression or other related illnesses you really should read this book Free Medical eBooks link : DownloadLabels: fitness eBooks, Tips |
Robert Bruce - Training to See Auras
Robert Bruce - Training to See Auras
In parapsychology, spirituality and New Age belief, an aura is a subtle field of luminous multicolored radiation surrounding a person or object as a cocoon or halo. An aura may be held to represent or be composed of soul vibrations or chakras, and may reflect the moods or thoughts of the person it surrounds. It is believed that auras may be viewed by the naked eye, though some psychics, like Edgar Cayce, believe this ability weakens with age. Focused training may be undergone in an attempt to improve one's ability to see auras. Layers of aura are seen as separate and distinct, yet connected to all of the remaining layers. Auras are also thought of as special kind of shields which certainly have more defensive power. It is very likely that the detection of odic force is a similar phenomenon. Free Medical eBooks link : Download
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